So I just tried to start what I thought was my first ever blog, only to find that my email address had already been used to start a blog...I did a little investigating (which only really required that I reset the password I didn't know I had), and lo and behold, I discovered this lovely blog that my family had made for me while I was on my mission! They are so sweet! I know they showed it to me when I got home, but I think I was so overwhelmed with everything that I didn't really take the time to soak it in. So thank you family--according to the countdown ticker for my return, I've been home 21 months 3 days plus, and so I am at least 21 months late in really thanking you!
I think I will keep the blog going because I feel like I have not been very good with updating my mission friends on my life since the mission--maybe this will be the trick. Since I'll probably do most posts in Spanish (for the sake of my Chilean friends), I'll say this for now...being home has taught me more about the Atonement of Jesus Christ than I ever realized I even needed to know--I wish I could go back on the mission now because I'd probably finally be able to explain some things that I see now I was lacking in understanding then...but hey, I guess that's what being a member missionary is about.
Thanks again to my family for being such a support to me then and now. Love you guys!
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Monday, May 11, 2009
MTC Memories -- where it all began

Jen arrived at the Mission Training Center (MTC) in Provo on 14 November 2007 - the start of an 18 month adventure with the Lord, learning a new language and culture in another hemisphere.

Two suitcases, one carry on, a purse -- and NO computer. ;- ) We hear Jen reduced this load rather quickly after her first two cambios (transfers) to new mission areas, traveling by bus across Chile.

Jen's Mom pinned Jen's Missionary Tag on her in the MTC lobby. Next we all went into the Conference Hall with hundreds of other missionaries from around the world. We sang the traditional Missionary Farewell hymns -- and then we went out separate doors -- missionaries through the back door - family out the front doors. That's how Jen's mission began taking with your prayers, friendship and farewell blessings.
This is Jen at the MTC with her brother Micah and her folks in front of a portrait of the Savior, depicting his 2nd Coming in the clouds of glory ... to open the 7th Millennial Seal. (Rev 5)

While taking this photo it dawned on us that hundreds of thousands of missionaries have been called to serve in nations all over the world - many of whom stood in front of this painting for a farewell photo. This year over 50,000 missionaries are serving. It was an overwhelming experience for us to be there, standing on this holy ground.
Mahalo (thank you) for all your love, faith, friendship emails and care packages that have supported Jen on her mission.

New Friends in Chile

Jennie on the bridge in Valdivia, her first mission city. Valdivia is near the Pacific ocean with lots on inland waterways, fishing and tourist boats

A couple months later in April 2008 Jen had her first transfer to a new city -- Panguipulli on the the lake -- with a snow covered volcano in the back ground.
We hear they make some pretty good pies in Panguipulli ...

Welcome to Panguipulli - with a missionary beach house on the lake and a snow capped volcano for a backdrop. One of prettiest places in the world - with many wonderful families who welcomed missionaries from around the world ...

The Gangstas of Valdivia -- Hna Wood and Hna Moemai. Talofa from Samoa and Aloha from Hauula. ;- ) How did you two ever meet up in Chile !!!

Panguipulli picnic - with wonderful friends and the world's best watermelon for dessert !

Zone Conference with our Mission President and his wife ... in Osorno, Chile. About a two hour bus ride south of Valdivia.

Baptism day -- one of many joyful family photos traditionally taken in front of the painting of Jesus being baptized by John in the river Jordan.

Old Friends awaiting your return

Jen, this photo was taken the night you opened your mission call letter from the prophet GBH back in August 2007. Your friends and family here are counting down the days until they see you again ... like we counted the days before you were born.

The Dance Troupe in Jackson Hole wondering if you are ready to put another show on the road this winter?

Kate & Todd in Jackson Hole, Wyoming - anxiously awaiting your return.

A few of your dance friends from SLC counting down the daze until you arrive at the SLC airport !!! Do you remember when this photo was taken -- just before Laura left on her mission to Edmonton, Canada.
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About Me

- HoboChicGal
- First-time mom who gets very little done around the house because she just likes staring at her baby. Married to a pastry chef by day and gamer by night (don't worry they are the same man). Trying the blog world out to keep Grandma and Grandpa in the loop while they enjoy their retirement in the sun. Hoping it will also keep me connected with amazing friends and family that are spread all around the various places I've lived in my search to find the "real life" I now enjoy in my small town. My secret career dream is to own a clothing restoration company. You can check out my other blog "Oh This Old Thing" to see my latest projects.